Student Absence / Pass
New Zealand law requires children from the age of 6 to be present at school except in special circumstances such as illness etc. Parents must notify the school if their child is absent from school.
Absence Reporting and Passes
All student absences are to be reported through SchoolBridge either via the mobile app or the online caregiver dashboard, including lateness or if they have a scheduled appointment.
If you are unable to access SchoolBridge, please phone Student Services on 09 425 8039 (only do this if you are unable to use SchoolBridge).
Signing in to SchoolBridge is easy. You can either use the mobile app or the caregiver web dashboard. You can also access the caregiver web dashboard via QUICK LINKS on our home page.
To sign in to the SchoolBridge app or the caregiver web dashboard, use:
your school registered email (the email you have given the school as your main contact)
your mail account password
Do not share login details with your child, as this will compromise the integrity of the absence system.
Reporting a Daily Absence
Parents/caregivers should report an absence to school by using SchoolBridge, before 8.45am.
Absent without notification
If a student has been marked absent and the school has not received notification from a parent/caregiver, then a message will be sent to parents/caregivers regarding the whereabouts of their child. The reason for notifications is to let parents/caregivers know if their child has made it to school on time for the day.
Late to school
Whenever a student arrives late to school, or they are late to their class during the day, they must report to the Tui Office. If your child arrives late and does not sign in correctly it is highly likely they will be marked absent, and you will receive a text message/email.
Late Passes
Parents/caregivers should notify the school if their child will be late via SchoolBridge, before 8.45am. Please include the reason for being late. If there is no justified reason provided by a caregiver, a lunchtime detention will be issued to the student. The student will receive a late slip which they must hand to their classroom teacher.
Signing In or Out During the Day
If your child needs to leave part way through the school day, you can request a Leave Pass using SchoolBridge prior to 9.00am on the day of the appointment, including the reason and whether you expect them to return to school that day. Students can then collect a pass from Student Services during interval or lunchtime which will allow the teacher to release the student from their class at the designated time. The student must then report to the Student Services to sign out before leaving the school grounds.
Collecting Your Child at Short Notice
We appreciate that occasionally emergency appointments need to be made at the last minute; however, parents/caregivers should be aware that it is not always possible to find students in class promptly. While staff will do everything they can to help, it may take a little while. If you anticipate needing to get your child out urgently it would be helpful to give at least half an hour notice. Only for emergencies phone Students Services otherwise use SchoolBridge and request a Leave Pass.
Unwell During the Day
Students should not be sent to school when they are unwell and not able to function properly or are contagious. Guidance for parents/caregivers to help you decide whether your child is well enough to attend school can be found here on the website: Health New Zealand
Students who become sick, or injured, during school hours must report to the school nurse. Only when a parent or caregiver has been contacted by the Nurse or administrative staff, will the student be released. Students are NOT to text parents/caregivers to collect them from school, without following the correct procedures.
Prolonged/Extended Leave (more than three consecutive school days)
Extended periods of absence disadvantage students. Holidays and similar reasons are considered ‘unapproved absence’ and are actively discouraged. Therefore, please avoid taking students for holidays or other non-approved reasons during term time.
If the absence simply cannot be avoided and the planned absence is for more than three consecutive school days, parents/caregivers are requested to notify Student Services and the Principal in writing at least two weeks prior to the leave. If the prolonged absence is due to medical reasons, then please ensure that a medical certificate is provided.
Checking your details
In order to ensure the Health and Safety of all students, please remember that if you wish to remove your student from school during the day, we can only allow this, if you are recorded as a contact on your child’s profile.
If you need to update your child’s records, please contact the office at or via SchoolBridge.
Should you have a query regarding your child’s attendance please contact their Head of Year.